Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Food and Books! Fiber for your belly and fiber for your brain!

Hello All!

I do apologize for being MIA the last few days...I went and left my camera at my Dads house when Curtis and I went over there this weekend for a Superbowl Celebration! We have certainly been eating though. Last night we had gigantic salads with greens, sprouts, tomatoes, chickpeas, grapes, broccoli, carrots, toasted pistachios, pepitas and roasted beets. I used the Nectar with a Sting Dressing Recipe from V Cuisine, which is a really cute little book I would reccomend picking up. Along with our monstrosity of greenery, I made the Autumnal Latkes from Vcon, only I used just red potato and sweet potato since I opted to have some beets in our salads. The whole meal was very enjoyable, and a nice reprive from the junk food we ate this weekend. Though, I guess it wasn't ALL bad...we had a lot of pizza, homemade though, and other salty game-time foods. Oh yes and beer, oh gosh the beer! It was a great weekend, despite forgetting my camera.

I don't live very far from my Dad though, so hopefully I will be back soon with some photos. In the meantime, lets talk BOOKS! Woo!

I love reading. I wish I got to do more of it. The one good thing about using the public transit system, is that when I'm not welling up with allergy tears due to the guy beside me bathing in old spice for about 58 years, or scowling at the woman in the fur coat, I get a lot of reading done. Some of my favourites that top the list are the classics, The End of Food, The China Study, etc. Anything with graphs and charts and facts, I adore! (I used to read cookbooks, but turns out the public isn't so down with me drooling everywhere as I gaze at quinoa salads and tofu scrambles), But recently I indulged in something a little more laid back; Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert. Now, I'm not a religious person, so after receiving this book for Christmas, I was a little hesitatant to start reading it...only due to the word "pray" in the title. But I gotta say, I loved it! I cried, I laughed (out loud...on the bus...thats right, I cause public disturbances). Be forewarned if you choose to read it, Elizabeth discusses food a lot, specifically the foods she ate on her journeys through Italy, Indonsia and India, and as you might guess, there is definetly meat, but looking past that, to the extreme passion that she and I (and many of you) share for food, it makes it easier to relate.

More food, much soon(er....than last time).



Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all your pictures! Mmm. Sometimes junk food is necessary.

I love reading too. I read cookbooks before bed. It's terrible because it gets me hungry, but I look forward to the next day when I can cook!

I've heard many good reviews about Eat, Pray, Love. I have yet to read it though. (Too many darned textbooks this semester!) But I will check it out.

Anonymous said...

I love reading, too, but I usually don't have much time for it. I've found that audio books can be a decent alternative, though.

Kristine said...

Ooo, audio books, I never thought about that! Thanks for that suggestion!
And Romina, I completely understand about the plethora of text reading = no time for personal reading! But think of it as having some great material to read during summer break!